Monday, July 14, 2008

let go

So here I sit, typing because I am at a creative loss. Not a creative hole that prevents me from entertaining readers ( what readers? I amuse myself by pretending that I do have viewers besides myself) but a blankness that prevents me from creating the most creative cover letter for a resume that anyone in the entire world can even imagine. ( how many times will I use a form of the word creative in this post?)
So much is swirling through my head, I can't keep it all straight. I just turned 26 and I seem to be running in place.
Ya know when your playing with younger kids and you grab the back of their shirt and they keep running and running. They just can't figure out why they aren't going anywhere. It's finally when you- yourself- lets out a slight giggle (admit it, it is quite amusing) and the child turns around and sees it's all because of YOU. You are the reason that they can't get anywhere because you are holding onto their shirt. So you release them and they run off to their destination, some run into a wall because they are trying so hard to get away - the momentum rockets them into the wall. But being kids, at least most I know, Get back up and run toward what they have their mind set on. Maybe its a juice box, or toy they want or they are thinking the new cat little makes great cookies because they saw how much the dog loves them. But they stopped running in place and ran forward to reached for what they wanted.
I have to figure out what metaphorical thing keeps hanging onto my shirt. Damnit! Let go already, I've had enough. The dog makes those cat littler cookies look good.
Now I have procrastinated for a little while. My creative juices are trickling. I need that creative cover letter to come to me. But as soon as I write the first line, my other mind worries haunt me and don't go away

1 comment:

Lady Em said...

You need to take a pilgramige. A Spiritual one. I think a part of you is holding on to your shirt watching you run in place. It's normal, we have to shed our skins all the time, if we want to grow.